PCOS awareness

PCOS awareness

Poly cystic ovaries (PCO)and Poly Cystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS) are conditions affecting people with ovaries during their reproductive years. While these conditions are known for their affect on menstrual cycles, they originate as metabolic disorders affecting...
5 ways hormonal birth control affects fertility

5 ways hormonal birth control affects fertility

Oral Contraceptive Pill As a teenager growing up in Catholic Ireland in the seventies, contraception and certainly The Pill was not an option. Condoms were only accessed by train trips to Northern Ireland where they were easily available. Even when the pill became...
5 ways cortisol affects fertility

5 ways cortisol affects fertility

Hormone hierarchy In a previous post I wrote about how insulin affects fertility and here I want to discuss how cortisol, as the pair for insulin in the hormone hierarchy, also affects fertility. What is cortisol? Cortisol is a hormone involved in the stress response....
5 ways cortisol affects fertility

5 ways insulin affects fertility

Hormone hierarchy When thinking about fertility, insulin is not often considered relevant, however in the hierarchy of hormones, insulin is the Mother hormone. It is one of 2 top tier hormones from which vital reproductive hormones are made. Dysfunction, even mild,...
If you have PCOS, don’t do this….

If you have PCOS, don’t do this….

Yes, it is an unpopular opinion, but weight loss for PCOS should not be by way of calorie restriction. 200 calories I see many ladies with this condition in the Now Baby clinic, approx 15% of menstruators suffer from it, to varying degrees. Many have been told by...
Is your infertility toxic?

Is your infertility toxic?

Is your infertility toxic? When considering the cause of infertility, it is unlikely that you think of things you do daily. It is more likely to consider major events such as episode of mumps or an irregular menstrual cycle. Yet there are mundane daily activities...

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