It is a universal fact that when a couple experience a pregnancy loss they want to know what the miscarriage cause was.
Statistically, one in four pregnancies end in miscarriage. If you ask a pregnancy loss mama how old would her baby be now, without a doubt, she would be able to tell you. Mine would be 36 and 30, a long time ago but certainly not forgotten.
You don’t have to be one of those statistics.
Miscarriage cause
Unfortunately, most of the time, they will never know the definite cause. Women are born with all of their eggs, so they have no opportunity to get new ones. She will mature a small number of eggs at any one time (antrical follicles) ready for fertilisation. Men make new sperm every day, however they are not mature enough to fertilise an egg until they are three months old. Every single instruction for human life is contained within the egg and the sperm, hair colour, gender and also the instruction for two kidneys, one heart, with four chambers. The human body is dynamic, not static. Egg and sperm quality change constantly based on their environment. Implementation of all of the genetic instruction occurs during the first eight weeks in the womb. If what is produced is not compatible with life, a miscarriage can occur. The three months prior to conception is a crucial time for ensuring the genetic instruction is given the best chance of quality. This three months of pre-conception care can significantly reduce the risk of miscarriage.
Women sometimes believe that only they can be at fault, that they are ‘unable to carry’ or did something wrong during the early stage of pregnancy. Mostly this is a myth. Once the embryo is of good quality and compatible with life, it can withstand a lot in it’s quest for life. To reduce the risk of miscarriage it is vital that both partners participate in pre conception care.
Miscarriage symptoms
A miscarriage can occur at various stages of early pregnancy.
Chemical pregnancy
A chemical pregnancy is a loss that occurs before the first missed period. Because current pregnancy tests are so sensitive, they can detect pregnancy even before the missed period, hence the name chemical, as without the test you might never have known there was a pregnancy.
Bleeding after a missed period is often the first heartbreaking sign of a failed pregnancy.
Ectopic pregnancies
Ectopic pregnancy, where the baby embeds outside the womb, is very serious and may cause maternal death if not treated quickly. These tend to happen early in the pregnancy and are associated with acute pain which doesn’t abate.
Missed miscarriage
A missed miscarriage is when an early scan detects no heartbeat, you may be up to 12 weeks along, but the baby stopped growing a number of weeks previously but there was no outward signs that something was wrong.
Later miscarriage
Later miscarriages, between 16 & 20 weeks are rare and more often occur in multiple pregnancies, twins or triplets.
If you are ready to meet your rainbow baby, contact me now.