About Us

Hi, I’m Claire Burrows, nutrition and lifestyle coach. I am Chief Baby Maker and Clinical Lead here at Now Baby

I used to work in IT, so have gained some project management skills. My little sister was trying for a baby for 10 years during which time she had 4 miscarriages, 2 ectopic pregnancies, resulting in the loss of one of her fallopian tubes. Once I started to research solutions for her she succeeded to conceive within 3 months and my first nephew, Conor was born. His little sister Eva arrived 3 years later, much to the delight of their, now much older, cousin Emma. I use my project management skills to help clients navigate from where they are to where they want to get to. I have found that women in business appreciate my style and find it easy to work in this way.

I am constantly researching and honing my skills. I am a qualified and registered reflexologist which gives me extensive knowledge in anatomy and physiology, particularly the endocrine system, plus I am trained in nutrition and lifestyle coaching. My 20,000 hours of clinical experience and hundreds of success stories has given me the competence to develop this bespoke and unique service.

# of babies I've helped create

# of babies I've had myself

# of times I've started a diet

% how much I love my job

Now Baby Meal Prep Guide and recipes to help you Get Pregnant Faster

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Now Baby nutrition tips

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